My Letter to the WV Gazette – Governor Tomblin Attacks Working Class Families in WV over Cold and Allergy Medication

Governor Tomblin has commissioned a task force on Cold and Allergy Medications with Pseudoephedrine in the product.  This attacks the working class families in West Virginia, because, he would be forcing us to get a prescription to obtain cold and allergy medication with Pseudoephedrine in it, because of those who would abuse the drug to create “Meth”.  Not sure he understands the actual costs to the working class families of West Virginia.  Forcing us to go to the Doctor, just to get a script over a cold and allergy would cost us hundreds of dollars and put an undo burden on Healthcare Facilities and Doctor’s offices, not to mention Emergency Rooms. How many Doctors are going to schedule you in that day to get a script? That being said, if families can’t get in to see their doctors right away, they will go to other Healthcare Facilities and the Emergency rooms. Just think of the cost to the tax payer if we start using Emergency Rooms. Many of us have huge deductibles along with co-pays just to see our Doctor.


Let’s break it down, average a co-pay to see your Doctor around 50.00 dollars, prescription co-pay could average out over 20.00 dollars, than transportation cost to visit our facilities to get the script. You could be talking close to 100.00 dollars just to get your medication for a cold or allergy. Why are we being penalized because of those who would abuse the drug?  There is a law on the books to track the amount of Pseudoephedrine being sold to people and restricted on a monthly basis of sale to a single individual.


Instead of wasting tax dollars on a task force, how about using our tax dollars to fight the criminals making “Meth”, and stop attacking the working class family who is barely getting by as it is.  Governor Tomblin ought to focus on the bigger picture and stop interfering with our Personal Rights and Liberties.


Personally, I will just drive over the state line to purchase my Cold and Allergy medication should this ever become law.


Thank You, 

Jeff Werner

Falling Waters, WVA

If you would like contact information on sending in letters to the Press and other Media outlets, please email me at:


About jeffwernerfordelegate

A constitutional conservative with an independent voice. One who will not take a bow to the establishment party which has failed us, The People.
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