Letter to the Editor from a Friend – 4th Amendent Rights and More, Along with my Letter to the West Virginia Statehouse and Media -Kump offers Amendment to HB2513

This is the very issue, that, Republican Delegate John Overington is not in support of, he believes that your blood should be drawn.  Why do I share this out, because we need your support to get behind Delegate Kump on the amended bill to protect our Rights as Legal Citizens of West Virginia and under the Constitution.  Anyone of you who support the violation and intrusiveness of our rights under the 4th amendment will be scrutinized as well in the upcoming elections.  I urge all of you to get behind Delegate Kump’s amendment and protect our rights under the Constitution.  I urge all of you to please contact your constituents and ask for support on this measure.  Any Republican not in support of this measure and Liberals, who believe that your 4th amendment rights should be violated, you yourselves should be embarrassed at the notion.  Plain and simple.  Many do not agree with my outspokenness, however, for me to not be outspoken on this issue would not be who I really am.  I am strongly in support of this measure and will continue to email our Legislative body until they fix a wrong, the intrusion into our rights under the 4th amendment must not be overlooked.  Again, I urge all of you to think carefully here as you are treading on thin ice in regards to our Privacy and rights.  For me, I will not change who I am for the Politically In-correct, that would be to easy.


Thank you,

Jeff Werner

Falling Waters, WV


Subject: More on Our 4th Amendment Rights


From a letter to the editor of a local newspaper:


“Our 4th Amendment protects us from unlawful and unreasonable search and seizure of our persons, houses, papers and effects.

Larry D. Kump, West Virginia delegate, District No. 59, has introduced an amendment to WV House Bill 2513, requiring that law enforcement officers obtain a court warrant, through due process, before they can remove a citizen from their car, drive them to a hospital and force them to undergo a blood test or immediately lose their driving privileges.

House Bill 2513, which was passed in the 2013 session of the West Virginia House of Delegates and signed into law by Gov. Tomblin does just that. Those who wrote and voted for this law, including our governor, are bypassing and ignoring their Constitutional oath of protecting West Virginians against the tyranny of our own government.

Del. Kump voted against HB2513. His amendment would protect us.

“We are a nation of laws, and the Constitution is the highest law of the land. Until a warrant is obtained, the citizens of West Virginia have Constitutional protection of their person, property and possessions, and if your blood is not your possession, I don’t know what is.” said Delegate Kump.

“No one wants people to drive drunk or drugged,” continued Kump, “However the Constitution is clear. A very similar law in Missouri was judged unconstitutional by the Supreme Court earlier this year, as it is a clear violation of the 4th Amendment.”

Elections matter in West Virginia. Who is really supporting your freedom? We know it isn’t Manchin. We know it isn’t Tomblin. It’s time for each of us to decide who we vote for in 2014 – but remember – a vote for liberals is a vote for Obama and his agenda.

Vote for men and women who support your freedom. Larry D. Kump is doing just that. He fights for us every step of the way. Email him – ask him anything that concerns you. He’ll answer your questions honestly and promptly.

Stephanie Robinson
Martinsburg, West Virginia”

BILL:  HB2513 as defined; http://alturl.com/jbdv7

About jeffwernerfordelegate

A constitutional conservative with an independent voice. One who will not take a bow to the establishment party which has failed us, The People.
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